Monday, July 18, 2005

Fak u! Not all posts can win Pulitzers.

The last post was pretty heavy, and this isn't one of those heavy woe-is-me blogs because I'm not that kind of person, which is probably why I've never been able to write a blog because I usually don't have anything to say, for example, today there's really one thing on my mind and it's the innumerable mosquito/black fly bites I have on my feet, swollen and pulsing with poisoned blood, my ankles are so fat it hurts to walk, but all I'm thankful for is the air conditioning I'm privvy to enjoy at this job where I sit comfortably on my ass all day talking to people about the weather and movies.

So there you have it folks... if I'm not waxing intellectual about life philosophy, I'm bitching about mosquito bites. That's modern day middle-class hedomism for you, eh? Yeah yeah... I'm a fucking twit.


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