Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Holy Fuck

Could I have waited any longer to update my blog? Needless to say, much has changed since my last post. I don't even remember what I wrote last time, but who cares.

I'm much more comfortable at work now - one might say that I'm actually happy at work now. The job like all jobs has its up-days and down-days, but mostly I just love working with the people here. There's definately a strong sense of teamwork within the department and I think for the most part, people are very accepting and encouraging of other people's quirks. I think people enjoy it when I shock them with my obscene sense of humor and potty mouth. Of course I still keep myself in check (this isn't porno afterall), but today par example, we were gathered around the lunch table eating cheese, discussing how some people don't like certain words like "bush", "panties", "moist", "cunt" and "cock". Y'all who are reading this are probably smirking a snobby porno smirk because we have all heard, seen and said much worse. I guess I must have softened since working for Python - I actually found this conversation amusing with cheese.

I also joined a gym! I've never joined a gym before; never ever had to think about staying in shape before, but I found that within the 6 months that I have been working here, I've gained around 10 lbs! Some of it I'm not complaining about - at 22 my tits are still growing! I blame it on asian genes. But I've got superfluous back fat, thigh fat, ass fat, neck fat and most obviously - arm fat. If I don't take care of this now, in 3 years I might be 30 lbs fatter and it'll be three times as difficult to get back to the same shape I was in when I modeled for Miss B.

I think I gave up on being hot during school, but now I'd like to be hot again.

Oh, and please do not comment on how I'm not fat. I know I'm not FAT. But I'm definately not IN SHAPE. I'm definately GAINING WEIGHT.

Hopefully, now that I've got this one post up, I will start blogging regularly. I've got a TON of pics to share from Old Hallow's Eve - but here's some from Zombie Walk 2006.


Blogger sweaty said...

as i read this i have almost finished an entire box of chocolate "golden buds" that i swore i wasnt going to eat after buying them earlier today in a moment of weakness. it goes straight to my stomach and tits. i like the tits part too.

9:39 PM  
Blogger min_o said...

hahaha, i think we both overcompensate our tits by showing off our legs. i LOVED ur halloween costume from last year.

1:02 PM  

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