Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Blog It!

I felt like writing again because I've made the conscious decision not to go to school tomorrow so I can finish writing my Media Brief (it's not as brief as it sounds) and study for my PR test. As mentioned, school has been put under control, it's just up to me to keep it all together. Between school and planning the Christmas party, pot's the only thing that keeps me from falling on my knees and crying.

I participated in a focus group in my research class today on drug abuse and epilepsy. I think my teacher was quite surprised at what an unapologetic junkie I actually am. But people's views on recreational drugs are so skewed. As I said during the focus group, "We all know the risks involved when using drugs, and we're all responsible for our own behaviour." I'm not going to let two college douchebags tell me that drugs are going to give me seizures when experience has shown me what my actual limits are and I think as long as we respect our limits, we'll all be just fine. Like me and booze. I know my limit for alcohol is zero, so it doesn't even tempt me to drink.

It looks like I might have to go to different strip clubs to find some decent erotic dancers for the Christmas party. I'm not complaining, but I have no idea when I'm gonna have time to do this. But hey! Someone's gotta do it! Maybe someone needs to come with me? =D

I don't know if anyone else does this, but during the day, I collect funny little things that happen in my head in a little brain folder called Blog It. But I can never remember what I put in there when it comes time to blog. That's why my posts are always so random because I keep writing because I think I have something to say, but by the end of the post, there's nothing there. =P


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