Sunday, May 28, 2006

Never trust a girl with a teacup chihuahua.

This is the first weekend back to normal here in Parkdale. Reilly has gone home to Calgary which is no doubt feeling some of the NHL excitement of the Oiler's making it to the finals. I feel no rivalry between Canadian teams and I'm proud that they're up for the Stanley Cup.

Wow, I can't believe I just blogged about hockey.

Anyway, I had one of the longest, un-interrupted, most facinating, emotional and vibiest conversations I've ever had on Friday. I visited The Grrl at her house in Little Italy and I got to meet the illustrious and super fucking adorable Crispin. She is lovely and more than I can describe, and I think we're all very lucky to have her in our lives whether it's her in the flesh or her colourful blog.

I don't have a scanner so I took pictures of those last week, but I couldn't find my USB cable so I couldn't upload them faster. I'm a portrait artist, but I really really really want to do other stuff. I just can't help that I love drawing people. It's easy for me. Esthero was the most recent one and one of my very few colour portraits because I'm terrified of colour.

But on Saturday, my mom gave me something that's sparked some inspiration in me and go ahead and laugh, but I'm seriously going to give this a try. When I first started to draw seriously, I drew Sailor Moon. This was when I was 9 years old, Sailor Moon was everywhere in Hong Kong, and I got swept up in the fervor (SM didn't come to North America til a few years later and they never got the translation right so it ended up being a fucking joke and I never watched it here).

Anyway, my mom found a whole box of Sailor Moon cards at a garage sale and bought it for me because I had given my collection away to my friend Lydia's little sister years ago. I was going through them and this collection is way better than the one I had.

So on Saturday night, I spent the entire evening drinking Coke Blak with Ryan and sorting my Sailor Moon cards. Coke Blak, btw, isn't available in Canada yet so we had to order it off eBay, and it is fucking delicious. It tastes like coffee+coke, which may be difficult to imagine right now, but if you ever get the chance to try it, I think any coffee lover would enjoy it. I wish I had more! I can't say that it made me feel terribly different (unlike Red Bull that makes me feel like I'm a cocaine), but I definately stayed up later than I should have considering I hadn't slept til 3:30 the night before.

I sorted them into five different piles: First Generation, Generic, Matt, Special Edition and Cartoon-y. I'm not an anal-retentive neat freak or anything, but I love organizing my stuff. My bookshelf is alphabetical and categorized and now so are my Sailor Moon Cards. First Generation sailor moon cards were based on the original drawings in the comic book (I have five Chinese translated copies, but I can't read them!), which look like they were done in pencil, black ink and paint rather than the generic animé style that you see on TV. The drawings are a lot more detailed and delicate and the colours softer and more vibrant.

I've always been a big fan of Japanese design and these old-school Sailor Moon cards really inspired me. So, I've decided that I'm going to try to use one of these cards as a guide in my next painting. My last painting was a disaster, but I think using a Sailor Moon will help make my next attempt more comfortable.


Blogger sweaty said...

WOW (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) art! i especially like the colour one (of course) but not because it's colour (i think) and just because it's fluid (it so is.) MORE PLEASE!

i send you giant polkadots of love all over. xo.

p.s. ur awesome. k, bye.

7:54 PM  

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