Monday, July 24, 2006

If I hide my neuroses between photographs, maybe no one will notice!

I think it started yesterday morning. I woke up and found that the resume that I was updating to send to some job prospects had been closed without saving. I'm not blaming Ryan, he said he didn't close the program. I should've saved it before I got off the computer. But anyway, I think it was at that very moment, I felt something change in the air. The vibes were off.

Contrastingly, the night before had been Fabulous. I was in high spirits, I rocked out to back-to-back Yeah Yeah Yeah albums and then Magneta Lane. I entertained fantasies of becoming rich and successful and fabulous. Then Kellie came over with brilliant news of her new up-and-coming job, and we went out for dinner with Leann and took a midnight bicycle adventure down by the lake where there was a lantern festival and we almost road right off the unfinished boardwalk.

So the next morning, I just felt shitty. The shittiness continued into the evening when I had committed myself to fixing up my resumes and sending off three different coverletters, but I ended up smoking myself into a coma and feeling quite sorry for myself.

I just don't think I'm ready to leave where I am. I had just started feeling good at my internship, getting to know some people better, and feeling like maybe I could start being myself finally. And now, thinking about applying to different jobs and going to interviews makes it difficult to concentrate at work. I'm afraid to commit myself because I don't know how long I'm going to be here.

Being an intern is such a mind-boggling status. You're there to learn, but not to commit. You're there to help, but on anything long-term. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be an intern. I can't do things half-way. When I do things half-way, I feel like an asshole, and worse, I feel like everyone knows I'm being an asshole. I never did co-op at school, I've only ever worked in a swim-or-sink environment and I desperately want to swim here, but I'm afraid I'm going to get swooped up out of the bowl at any second.

I had two very real, very possible job opportunities that I have no doubt lost because I've sat on it for too long. I don't want to be the girl who sends her resume in late. Had I been able to send the resume yesterday morning as I had planned because as of Monday night, my resume had been updated, I would probably (hopefully) be hearing back from them next week. But some mysterious force had fucked me up neurotically. I let myself choke. I let myself feel sorry for myself.


I'm praying that they offer me a job here. To be quite honest, I don't really want to go anywhere else. At least not at this point. There is still too much I haven't learned. There is too much I haven't yet sunk my teeth into. I don't want to start at a new entry level position where I'd have to relearn everything all over again, or worse, have to take on even more redundant tasks as most entry level positions require. Here, I've already proven myself worthy of more. There's no where to go but up. Anywhere else, I'd be back at the bottom rung.


Blogger Matthew Pazzol said...

Sometimes you just gotta live in the moment and do what you do, not for the goals that you have in sight, but for the unseen opportunities you'd never even think about. The best things ahead of you are yet unknown, so how could you even concentrate on them? Don't drive yourself nuts concentrating on a destination. Just be the intern, and kick ass at it like you know you can.

5:11 AM  
Blogger Datura said...

right-o benito.
you'll find, miss min, that sometimes the world is an unfabulous place.
aint that right pazzol man?
...full of perceivingly unnecessary mood swings and self proclaimed drama.
the man said it once and i stand by it still...snap the shots and fuck
the focus.
let your goey gutsy entrails guide you and make the choice thats right for you RIGHT NOW, thats all you can do. trust yourself to know when its time to leave, and when its time to suck up that cool car bullshit and live what its like to want more for yourself on a different. this is you jasmin.
say hello to the line on the paper thats drawn in ink and shake hands cuz you have to be friends.
Hi there, nice to meet you...Jasmin Cheng, i'm in marketing and i mean business. am i a creative? ha ha ha...
by default absolutely, by trade, i choose not. and please, leave my wikkid style out of this.
i know, the waiting is burning a hole in the pocket of a new fall
wardrobe, but if i can hold out for a step in the right direction so can you.
you've got the same incredible circle of support, don't be afraid to crowd
surf...or read it french poetry.
LEARN, you 22 year old saturn/saab slave. take it and like it, and know that we love you! with that sharp eager mind, you're going places,we all see it. trust!

2:05 PM  
Blogger Matthew Pazzol said...

Jeez . . . now you're getting double-teamed by about the most serious pair of starry-eyed energy whores the world has to offer.

Just be glad you didn't get it from us in person or you'd still be trailing static mini lightening storms of psyionic tension releasure.

Oh yeah, and mellow the fuck out. Some day you're gonna pine for the awckward beginning stages of your career, so just pretend you're You from the future going back in time and seeing it all again and paying the strictest attention to everything without the worries 'cause you already know how it's gonna end up, but maybe you forgot in the time travel and can't quite recall why you're back except for the mild-at-first-then-steadily-stronger sensation of knowing it will all work out to your advantage if you just pay attention to the moments as they pass and decipher it from the perspective of the wiser FutureYou who doesn't have to be bogged down by PresentYou's unnecessary, but essential, dramas.

5:09 AM  
Blogger min_o said...

uh... thanks! you guys sound eerily like the voices in my head. but it's relieving to hear it from people i trust. =) funny tho, kellie, that i'm looking at your picture with tinfoil on your head, and neato, i'm thinking of you with your fist in your mouth, as i'm reading your combined sage-like advice. just to keep everything in perspective, y'know?

7:21 AM  
Blogger Frosted said... <- this guy has a point - and really its this (not what the artical is about at all)- don't belive every chinese proverb you hear, what works for you works for you. One thing a friend did say to me once is "You know what'll happen if you stay in on a friday night bro? Nothing." You and me, were both introverts - no matter how good we look getting our game face on for parties or aquintances. But the fact is, nothing gets better by accident, take your opportunities where you can get them, and if they aren't happening around you, go someplace where they are. Move around a bit Mino, s'a big ocean out there.

7:32 AM  
Blogger sweaty said...

i agree with all these wise wisdom tellers. now what do i recommend?

1. remember all these brilliant truths and fortify yourself with their wisdom and their loving friendship.
2. try to squeeze a little more patience out of the patience potato.
3. then break down (and hopefully cry and be violent with unbreakable small things.) the frustrated breaking down's inevitable and probably necessary to your future.
4. repeat all steps as many times as necessary.

i love you! xoxoxo

5:50 PM  

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