Friday, August 26, 2005

Le Robot

Remember in high school, there was that geek who listened to electronica (depends on which generation you're a part of I guess), and he would always do the robot at the school dances. I was that kid. I'm still that kid. And last night - I learned officially how to do The Robot. Ryan and I went to the pop'n'lock workshop together and our teacher, Presto, taught us the basic popping and locking movements, the King Tut and The Robot. My classmates from break dancing (three of them out of the 12 that were originally in the class) were also present, and I guess we were the only group who were there together so of course the confort in numbers made us rowdier than we've ever been in class. Pop'n'lock is a nap in a hammock compared break dancing. By the end of the class, we were laughing at how painless it was. It was challenging nevertheless - you really get a workout in your arm muscles - popping and locking them to the beat. Ryan had a great time and I've managed to convince him to join our break dancing class - hope there's room!

It felt so good being in a dance class where I don't feel like a retard and I think the other people in my class would agree. I want to watch the Thriller video and learn to do the zombie dance.

I'm going to Canada's Paramount Wonderland tomorrow with Mr. & Mrs. Sweet and Ryan's friends Wes, Amanda and Matt. There will be funnel cake topped with sweet strawberry sauce and ice cream and whipped cream and bananas and leprechauns and hamsters galore! I'm going to go on every roller coaster and scream and wretch and scream some more and everyone's going to laugh and cry and we're all going to run around the park full of newborn excitement because how long has it been??? Actually, I think Six Flags has better rollercoasters.

I think my grand latte has finally kicked in. Welcome!

This morning, I was up at 7 a.m. (I know that's not very early to some of you, but I don't usually get out of bed til 9:30 because I'm an asshole), and was at my hair stylist's by 8. He gave me a soothing scalp massage during my wash, trimmed my overgrown hippie hair, put in some new highlights (my old ones are from 2 years ago) and styled it in groovin' 70's curls that make me way to pull on my state troopers and laugh and flip my hair and say "Fabulous, dahling!" a whole lot.

This is me.

This one is of Reilly.


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