Tuesday, August 30, 2005

la porno

This solo weekend is starting to look like a blessing. Last night, I cleaned up the sunroom and moved the futon in there so Ryan's exercise machine could be pulled out and maybe he'll actually use it and tone those baby manbreasts into sick pecks all hard and oily - I can dream can't I? The apartment smells like Fabreeze and Lysol - Orange Citrus scent that is so trendy right now. It's weird to think that something like scent can have fads too, but I guess branding and merchandising touches everything in society so why wouldn't it affect what our cleaning solutions smell like? The reason for all this cleaning is because Irina, a lovely lady I used to work with who is now working in Panama, is coming to town and the corporate condo was being used so I told her she could stay with me. Of course, because I cleaned so thoroughly (I even bleached the bathtub), the condo was vacated this afternoon, which means Irina won't have to stay with me, which means that I pretty much did all that furious cleaning last night for nothing, well not for nothing because now, this weekend, I will be by myself in a nice clean apartment. Ryan is jealous of course.

I'm feeling pretty blabbity right now. Blogging is hard work! I'm impressed that I stuck by it thus far, and time will tell if this blog will survive my school days. If anyhing, I will blog more and have much more interesting stories to tell because some of my classmates are fucking morons and I love laughing at them.

There is a little bit of anxiety floating around in my belly right now because the third semester is supposed to be a real pain in the ass. One of our assignments is to write a whole fucking book on an advertising campaign for social cause. I've chosen to do my project on Virgin Mobile Canada for Adult ADD. We were supposed to start on the research this summer, but I haven't done fuck all, and perhaps when I'm done blogging, I'll print out some information just so I don't feel like I'm completely behind. I might do that or I might keep reading House of Leaves (thanks Fudge!) which is such a delight to read - and I haven't even gotten to anything really fucked up yet.

Tonight, Ryan is making a shnitzel (whatever the fuck that is!) and I'm going to finish watching City of Lost Children.


Blogger Matthew Pazzol said...

So did you just really mention City of Lost Children and House of Leaves in the same post? Why dontcha just talk a little bit about tool and complete the triumverate of sensory exotica.

here's a good idea:
read the rest of "Leaves" while you're alone for the weekend. . .

4:52 AM  
Blogger Frosted said...

That movie is nuts :P from the loving hands that brought you Amile. And its got monkey manu in it!

6:18 AM  

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