Wednesday, July 27, 2005

And tho she feels as if she's in a play, she is anyway...

I feel bad that my post of the day was an angry post. So I'll try to write another one.

This morning, Datura comes by early in the morning (a rarity) and says, "If someone writes in a complaint, how could you find out how many other people have the same complaint, but haven't written in about it?"

She suggests a survey.

Good idea... my boyfriend - Programmer & Site Management Extraodinaire agrees. It's the only way, really, to answer such a question. You ask on the survey, "How often do you write complaints to the site? Never/Rarely/Sometimes/Often/Always" Then you take that information and apply it to the different complaints you receive to get a rough estimate on how many people out there have the same complaint.

But no, apparently it's too much trouble.


The answer apparently is: Let's Google it!

OK - no more work blahgs. It's just that I spend so much time at work! Tonight, there's supposed to be a life-drawing class at The Gladstone, but I can't go again because of stupid carpet cleaning and stupid visiting Ryan's mom (not that she's stupid, just the distance there is stupid because we have to rent a car). I miss drawing, I should start drawing again. And I should definately look into taking some good pictures of my drawings to start an online portfolio.

There's something very soothing about drawing someone. You become intimate with them in a way that very few people in their lives will ever feel. I always considered maybe drawing on the streets, you know the kind who haunt tourist areas for like $10 a pop. But I only like to draw people whose faces interest me. My favourite piece in my collection would be my portrait of Charles Manson, post-incarceration, pre-Nazi scar on forehead. I drew it for a project I was doing on Helter Skelter for my law class in high school. I offered to give it to my law teacher (who replied, "Why the fuck would I want to keep that in my home?"), and I'm glad that he didn't want it because I think it's one of my better drawings. It was surprising since I usually can't draw men very well because my lines tend lean towards the feminine side.

Besides, I wouldn't want to ever charge people for my drawings. I draw because I love to, not because I need to make a buck. However, I guess since I'm in school now and everything, I accepted $150 for a portrait I did of Ryan's mom's fiancé's daughters for Christmas last year. Just while I'm in school, I think it's ok to sell your art. That's what being a starving artist is all about, isn't it?


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