Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Poor Laura

Last night, I didn't get a chance to read House of Leaves OR finish watching City of Lost Children. Instead, I went to Chapters with Irina and helped her buy Spanish for Dummies and the latest edition of Collin's Spanish Grammar.

I know we're supposed to hate large chain bookstores like Chapters, but if Pages on Queen St. or any of the used book stores around here put out chairs like Chapters does, I'd go all the time. I really like trying out my books before I buy them. They're so expensive these days, and there's nothing like an unread book on your bookshelf to make you feel like a real donkey. Especially if they're these Pulitzer types like The Amazing Adventures of Cavalier and Clay that has this great comic-booky cover, but I just can't get into it, and I can't help but wonder - is it me? Maybe I just don't like reading anymore. Then I find books like House of Leaves and Einstein's Dreams and I'm taking it with me everywhere from the office to the crapper and from the first day I start reading til I'm finished, it's like I'm living two lives in two worlds.

So nothing like some good old fashioned kiddie porn in the morning right? We downloaded a file last night that was supposed to be a bunch of Mr. Oizo videos, and instead it was hundreds of files named "laura" depicting a girl who is obviously under 18 in all kinds of nude poses. I've been looking up different anti child pornography groups to contact to notify them of this file. It is seriously some sick shit man... I'm just glad it wasn't children!!! I probably would have cried all day. Anyway, I'm sending out the proper information out to Crime Stoppers and the ASACP, and hopefully they can help "laura". Her face haunts me. Her eyes were so big and sad, but she still had this little smile on her face and she is far far far too young to be exposed naked all over the net. Who knows when those pictures were taken and who knows where she is right now. Who knows who the perverted photographer was who did this to her.

How can I have talk about Chapters and child porn in the same post? Well, I needed to write about something besides "laura" to distract myself. Seriously, since seeing what I saw this morning, I feel really fucked up. I won't feel better til I the right people have been contacted. DIE PEDOPHILES!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

la porno

This solo weekend is starting to look like a blessing. Last night, I cleaned up the sunroom and moved the futon in there so Ryan's exercise machine could be pulled out and maybe he'll actually use it and tone those baby manbreasts into sick pecks all hard and oily - I can dream can't I? The apartment smells like Fabreeze and Lysol - Orange Citrus scent that is so trendy right now. It's weird to think that something like scent can have fads too, but I guess branding and merchandising touches everything in society so why wouldn't it affect what our cleaning solutions smell like? The reason for all this cleaning is because Irina, a lovely lady I used to work with who is now working in Panama, is coming to town and the corporate condo was being used so I told her she could stay with me. Of course, because I cleaned so thoroughly (I even bleached the bathtub), the condo was vacated this afternoon, which means Irina won't have to stay with me, which means that I pretty much did all that furious cleaning last night for nothing, well not for nothing because now, this weekend, I will be by myself in a nice clean apartment. Ryan is jealous of course.

I'm feeling pretty blabbity right now. Blogging is hard work! I'm impressed that I stuck by it thus far, and time will tell if this blog will survive my school days. If anyhing, I will blog more and have much more interesting stories to tell because some of my classmates are fucking morons and I love laughing at them.

There is a little bit of anxiety floating around in my belly right now because the third semester is supposed to be a real pain in the ass. One of our assignments is to write a whole fucking book on an advertising campaign for social cause. I've chosen to do my project on Virgin Mobile Canada for Adult ADD. We were supposed to start on the research this summer, but I haven't done fuck all, and perhaps when I'm done blogging, I'll print out some information just so I don't feel like I'm completely behind. I might do that or I might keep reading House of Leaves (thanks Fudge!) which is such a delight to read - and I haven't even gotten to anything really fucked up yet.

Tonight, Ryan is making a shnitzel (whatever the fuck that is!) and I'm going to finish watching City of Lost Children.

Monday, August 29, 2005

La Peche Mode

It looks like I'm not going anywhere for Labour Day Weekend. My original plan was to go to New York City with Liz. Then I was going to Montreal with Liz. Then my mom told me that she was going to New York to see her boyfriend. Then I wasn't going anywhere because of La Peche Mode - a.k.a. Peaches, Triangle Head, Pachizzo, Patches, Ass Muncher, Stinky, Asshole, Bad Mischief!, Slut, Mogwai. She's 8 years old and weighs 23 lbs - a mutant of a Lhassa Apso. We've been feeding her toothbrush shaped doggie biscuits to try to clean her teeth. The picture, by the way, is not of my dog, but to give you an idea, Peaches is about 3 times larger, hairier and dirtier.

With a little dog like that, you'd think it would be easy to leave her in the care of some sympathetic friend, but unfortunately, she's a big asshole, and it would be unfair to unload her on to someone during a long weekend. So, it looks like it will just be her and me this Labour Day weekend - frollicking in the sun, singing in the rain, with the hills all alive with the sound of music...

I'm designing my first tattoo right now. It's going to be two fish (Pisces) swimming in opposite directions in the shape of the infinity symbol. It took me a while to figure it out because if the heads are at opposite ends of the symbol, the tails fan out on the same side, which makes the symbol unbalanced. I forget who finally figured this out for me by having the two fish meet at the centre of the symbol (like they're kissing) and have the tales fan out in a circle. This works perfectly and now I'm simply trying to decide whether or not I want this permanently inked onto my skin.

Wonderland was delicious. Everyone who went got along very well, and we had a very nice dinner at the local Kelsey's where they overcooked my linguine.

We had a BAC dinner on Sunday. It stands for Bitch Ass Crew - est. 1998 to honour the friendship of 4 very different Chinese kids about to start high school together. The original members are Cheryl - an accounting student with an evil eye so powerful even the toughest of mortals succomb to her glare; David - a business student whose cynacism and sarcasm has given way to a Zen-like apathy; and Adrian - a physiotherapy student whose sense of humor and charm allows him to get away with all kinds of stupid crazy things (he is also the one who came up with the name and for some reason, no one disagreed with him). We've been trying to weave in honourary members like Ryan and Adrian's girlfriend, Joanna, which will no doubt be a slow process because we are all such different people, it will be difficult for outsiders to understand what it is that keeps us together. But I think our differences is what makes our friendship ever more precious as the older we get, the less open we are to people of different mindsets and lifestyles. Cheryl, for example, is a church-going smarty pants, and I think I enjoy the fact that my best friend is secretly a spiteful manipulator as much as she enjoys the fact that beneath my wild ways, I'm actually a very sweet person (when I want to be anyway). It's easy to like people like ourselves, but it's much more interesting to like people who are different.

This is the much neglected BAC webpage I made in high school.

Just another week to go and then it's back to school. The new receptionist's name is Peaches.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Le Robot

Remember in high school, there was that geek who listened to electronica (depends on which generation you're a part of I guess), and he would always do the robot at the school dances. I was that kid. I'm still that kid. And last night - I learned officially how to do The Robot. Ryan and I went to the pop'n'lock workshop together and our teacher, Presto, taught us the basic popping and locking movements, the King Tut and The Robot. My classmates from break dancing (three of them out of the 12 that were originally in the class) were also present, and I guess we were the only group who were there together so of course the confort in numbers made us rowdier than we've ever been in class. Pop'n'lock is a nap in a hammock compared break dancing. By the end of the class, we were laughing at how painless it was. It was challenging nevertheless - you really get a workout in your arm muscles - popping and locking them to the beat. Ryan had a great time and I've managed to convince him to join our break dancing class - hope there's room!

It felt so good being in a dance class where I don't feel like a retard and I think the other people in my class would agree. I want to watch the Thriller video and learn to do the zombie dance.

I'm going to Canada's Paramount Wonderland tomorrow with Mr. & Mrs. Sweet and Ryan's friends Wes, Amanda and Matt. There will be funnel cake topped with sweet strawberry sauce and ice cream and whipped cream and bananas and leprechauns and hamsters galore! I'm going to go on every roller coaster and scream and wretch and scream some more and everyone's going to laugh and cry and we're all going to run around the park full of newborn excitement because how long has it been??? Actually, I think Six Flags has better rollercoasters.

I think my grand latte has finally kicked in. Welcome!

This morning, I was up at 7 a.m. (I know that's not very early to some of you, but I don't usually get out of bed til 9:30 because I'm an asshole), and was at my hair stylist's by 8. He gave me a soothing scalp massage during my wash, trimmed my overgrown hippie hair, put in some new highlights (my old ones are from 2 years ago) and styled it in groovin' 70's curls that make me way to pull on my state troopers and laugh and flip my hair and say "Fabulous, dahling!" a whole lot.

This is me.

This one is of Reilly.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

the help you need

For some reason, I'm feeling more strung out today than yesterday. People keep bugging me! I love being in reception, don't get me wrong, but every once in awhile, there are days when I don't want to talk to anyone! It's nothing personal, I just want to chill and do my own thing. Problem is, my job is NOT to chill and do my own thing, so it's a bit of a dilema. Fortunately the phones have been pretty quiet and Frosted just sent me this link: which is where I got the scary picture from. I find myself being sucked into the dark crevacies of his backside...

Ryan is coming with me to the pop'n'lock (or is it lock'n'pop??) workshop tomorrow $20 each. He wants to wear a hat, but we looked all over Kensington Market on Monday and couldn't find one that fits his enormous head. I'm just kidding, he's 6'4" so it only makes sense for him to have a big head.

We walked around town on Monday after coming home from Big Foot. I finally bought that eisle I've been talking about and some acrylic paints and 4 pre-stretched canvases. I don't know what I'm going to paint yet. For some reason I keep waiting for that book, The Power of Limits, because I have it in my head that it will inspire me. I've thought of a good design for my tatt though so I'm probably going to work on that when I'm done blogging.

BTW - Fudge thanks for suggesting House of Leaves - it turns out Ryan already has it and he used to be obsessed with it too. I started reading it but haven't really had time to get into it yet. Ahh so much art and reading to do and only two weeks left til school! =( I'm going to miss the summer sun and Frosted, Datura & Du Hast downstairs but at least we have these blogs to keep it together.

I find that outside of school and work, it's really hard to make real friends and even the friends you make at school and work - once you're gone - it's really hard to stay friends. Being friends when you're an Adult takes a lot of effort.

Yesterday, I bumped into an old friend of mine, Devin, who is a talented singer/songwriter/guitarist who has recorded one album - The Help You Need, which no one will have heard of, but he has a beautiful voice that can be misleading because he can be a bit of an anal asshole in reality. Are there any musicians who AREN'T like that? Anyway, he's being stalked by an unknown female who leaves raging voicemail messages on his phone - he must have done something terrible to her. It's actually been going on for a year now. He never calls me, and I can never get through to him because he doesn't pick up his phone in order to screen this chick's calls, so it was good to see him on his way home from Price Chopper. We live down the block from each other but I only run into him maybe three times a year.

Hope everyone had an amazing weekend...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Psychedelia Again

The drive up to Killaloe was full of bad omens. The city was under siege - a rain siege that flooded the streets and the highways. The basement flooded in my mom's neighbour's house; trees fell; and a little town was nearly wiped out. More rain than we've had all summer suddenly relieved itself onto the city within only a few hours while Ryan and I drove far away from all of it. Still, the omen was clear. On one of the dark stretches of highway north of the city, we ran over frogs and raccoons and other carcasses too mutilated to be recognized. It was like a warning: DO NOT PASS. DO NOT GO. But what's a little bit of rain and a highway full of road kill compared to a weekend of psychedelic adventures? Ryan and I drove a total of 9 hours that day only to find ourselves on a wet, vaguely familiar farm where we soaked our pants trying to find a good place to set up camp. There in the spitting rain, we located ourselves dead centre of all the fun with the BLA uphill and OM downhill. In the new four-person tent that is not so much a spaceship as it is a little cabin, we got a full blast of both music stages that was impossible to ignore or drown out. But being two ticking time bombs of stress, we decided it was the most convenient location to unload and that it would do for the first night. We also decided not to any hard drugs that night and we slept like still-born babies.

The morning was gray and I don't remember much of it because I was stoned the entire day. Ryan and I explored the land a little bit and decided that our camp spot was clearly the best spot in terms of view, convenience and privacy. To approach our humble little home, you had to go off the main road - the main road being the one long road that stretched from the entrance all the way up to the BLA stage. Off the main road, there is a winding little path through the tall grass and milkweeds. We had a little front porch area where we set up our two camping chairs and our food box as the table. Inside the food box, we threw in our stainless steel camping cups, plates and utensils, and we brought cans of tuna, mandarin oranges, wine gums (regular and sour), apple sauce, and this marvelous little snack that comes in a plastic bin: a tiny little can of tuna & mayonnaise (premixed), a package of salty crackers, a little tiny napkin, and a tiny little plastic shovel. It's fucking delicious. Ryan and I basically gorged ourselves all of Saturday. The healthy mix of marijuana smoke, fresh Canadian air, and a weak little camp fire had really pumped up our appetite. When the Kind Kitchen arrived, we watched excitedly awaiting whatever nutritious foodstuff they were going to make. I love the Kind Kitchen, you're always thankful for them at the end of the weekend when you're so glad you have a little bowl of hot food in your belly. I bought two loafs of bread, a bag of potatoes, and five green peppers to donate to the Kind Kitchen. They seemed surprised.

When it was starting to get dark, the mushroom guy arrived. This mysterious mushroom guy is the rumored Quebecian who, well, rumor has it that he is the only one at this party with any mushrooms. I was introduced to him the moment he walked into the party as a Friend of a Friend. I bought 8 grams of mushrooms and I knew right away that there was no way Ryan and I would be able to finish it all. But I'd rather be overstocked than under, so Ryan and I happily scurried away after we drank our delicious Kind Kitchen soup and ate our delicious boiled Kind Kitchen corn, and we went back to the tent where we could start eating our delicious Magic Mushrooms.

Ryan and I both ate one stem each. Nothing.

Two stems. Liz and Tom come by and we go check out the BLA party. There are a lot of people dancing already, and the pounding music shook the little hill the stage was set up on. I began seeing some light effects. One more stem was definitely in order.

I loathe the taste of mushrooms. I gagged twice on them, worried that I was going to throw up my mushrooms. Hate waste. But once the third stem went down, Liz came back again, alone this time, and we went back up to the BLA stage where the black light paintings and decorations really jumped out at me this time. There was a jellyfish that had a brain and it looked like it with swimming all its tentacles shook and wiggled along to the music. Another one was a wild, Fear-and-Loathing-esque scene with this weird scull and brains with eyes and Venice fly trap type flower. My favourite was this beautiful flower that had a little man sitting on top of it. It made me happy. I was definitely starting to trance.

I swirled in my red-orange-green sarong to the mind blowing music while black light monsters watched from the black sky. I was back inside again - inside of my mind - inside of everything. Everything around me was a part of me - part of my trip. Every single person counted and mattered. Everybody was my friend. Everybody loved me.

From the Outside, I heard a faint: "I'm going for a walk."

Ryan asks me if I felt like leaving and hell no, I was dancing dancing dancing like the swirly twirly leaves that fall from autumn trees, and so he left me: "I'll be right back."

He left me and time stopped. The music stopped. The people froze. In mid-dance, people stopped. In mid-sentence, people stopped. I forgot how to dance so I picked up my little water bottle and walked to a dark corner where I could be ignored. Where people couldn't see me hiding. And there I sat, falling deeper and deeper into myself, my internal dialogue becoming a senseless garble of rants and worries that I couldn't hear and I looked around hoping I could find something to keep my attention, but there was nothing.

Ryan B sat down beside me. He is only here for the girls. I told him that there are a lot of hot girls here. He already knew that. I can't think of anything else to say to him so I ignore him. He goes to sit with his friends around the fire.

I fall deeper and deeper into the hole. Why won't anyone talk to me? But I can't meet anyone's eye. My eyes dart around the stage as I fell deeper into that dark mysterious hole you can fall in when you're not careful when your mind runs away from you and you're left in this heavy body and you're thinking two thousand thoughts a second like a robot who can only calculate feelings, but cannot express them. I was not angry with Ryan, but I was annoyed. I could not find the words to say it, forgot how to move my mouth to say it, and that is why when Ryan came back for me, perhaps only minutes but what felt like hours later, I could not tell him that I wasn't mad at him at all, I was just annoyed. He took my silence for anger and worse yet a terrible trip and I think Ryan has had his fair share of bad trips for a lifetime. He pleads with me not to be angry that he was gone for so long, and the sadness in his eyes is contagious so I start to cry. It's strange to cry on mushrooms because your tears feel like big drops of cool mercury and when it slides down your face, your flesh feels like plastic. Big bubble drops of tears fall from my eyes and I cannot stop them. I feel vaguely embarrassed for crying at a party because nobody likes a party pooper, so then I really become upset with Ryan because if he hadn't left me hanging in the first place, I wouldn't be feeling like a mummy right then.

Ryan leads me back to the tent, all the while begging me to pull myself out of the funk. And though I tried to find the words, they don't reach my mouth and it isn't until we are back at the tent that I can speak again and Ryan makes jokes to me to cheer me up. We decide to start moving or we'd end up sitting at our tent all night and we both knew what that could lead to so we went Downstairs to where the OM people were playing some drum & bass, which might I add is actually considered chill compared to psytrance. But the area was dimly lit and there weren't a lot of dancers, so Ryan went Upstairs to see what the BLA were up to.

The stage was lit up bright with black lights and the paintings were so beautiful and all the people glowed. Everyone was dancing - arms and legs kicking and pumping to the beat of the music. The dancing was infectious because Ryan and I took off our shoes and joined them. I was twirling again, my feet were light as wings, and I flittered dizzily around Ryan. We were soon dancing together, something we have never quite managed to do because we dance quite differently, but we were doing then, playing a secret game of tag on the dance floor as we chased and teased each other with our dancing. Like in the middle of passionate intercourse, our minds and bodies were truly one and it was perhaps one of the most perfect and fleeting experiences of my life. For you know feelings like that don't last more than a couple of minutes. Such perfection simply cannot be sustained and it's lucky when it does last for more than just a second. Still, I do not miss it when it stops because with Ryan it never truly stops. Loving Ryan is as easy as breathing and is every bit as beautiful every morning when I wake up and see him mouth half open passed out next to me.

Soon, I have to pee again, so we went back to the tent. Once it got dark, I stopped using the public washroom because I hate it in there all stinky shit of strung out junkies and stale warm piss from the day before. Fuck that shit. Ryan and I each had our own bush to piss in. It was strangely poignant and ridiculous watching him pee in the moonlight. He had been standing at the bush for a long time, and when he comes back he tells me that he was having a conversation with a cricket.

"He was trying to convince me that there is such a thing as god. First I was looking at the bush and I was thinking about the Bible and why people believed in it. Because of the burning bush story. I said that it would be a real symbol if that cricket would be quiet. Then I looked away from the cricket up into the sky, and the cricket immediately stopped chirping. So then I started talking to… "God" and said, wow that was pretty impressive, but I wish you could do it again so I can be sure, but I guess it's one of those things where God doesn't do things twice, because you're supposed to understand the first time. Then I looked back at the bush and the cricket started chirping again. When I looked back up into the sky, the cricket stopped chirping."

I believe there's a god. OKCupid says that I believe in a George Lucas god, where god is a mysterious powerful force. Damn right I do.

We sat in our camping chairs and looked down at the OM stage. It looked so cool and chill with the little shack DJ booth lit by a single star-shaped hanging light. There was this glowing parachute tent that kind of looked like a mushroom. And a video screen where people can walk behind and dance. People were making funny tinfoil hats to wear to walk behind it. It was very cute. But for all that it was a cool scene, it was too dark and lame compared to the BLA stage. Ryan and I were soaring on our mushroom high, and we needed something with more energy. We walked back Upstairs to BLA who made us jump and spin, but I could feel that the peak of my trip was over when the lights and colours no longer seemed to sparkle, and I couldn't lose myself in the music as much anymore. On mushrooms, you can lose yourself in music where your body dances with all its might and your brain is just in for the ride. Then the power went out on the main black light that lit the whole dance floor. We all kept dancing, and the DJ kept spinning, but as soon as they got the power back up again, Ryan and I were gone.

Pot is a slutty drug that you can mix with all kinds of other more powerful drugs. As soon as Ryan and I started smoking the perfect fat joint I rolled, we are soaring again, and we lay in the tall grass and milkweeds watching people pass by and looking down at the glowing festivities at the stage below. We laugh and cuddle and it's like the perfect date except better because it doesn't have to end. The whole plateau is light with moon and we bask in its haunting glow. When we go back into the tent, we joke around and eat the tuna snacks, so cunningly designed for our needs.

We pass out quickly because the tacky low-heat lamp Ryan brought was too boring to keep us awake.

In the morning, there is sunlight. Everything we own is covered in dew and it smells like grass and flowers outside. Ryan and I brush our teeth and wash our faces and it feels marvelous cleaning the furry mold in our mouths and on our cheeks. We take a stroll around the site, rolling my giant Python: Focus on Profit beach ball around, playing catch with some friendly strangers.

We chilled at the OM stage where they were playing some reggae and eventually hip hop. The sun felt so good, I took off my sarong and lay on the grass in my bikini and let my skin soak up all the sun it had missed while being inside the office all summer. This is my only vacation of the year and I don’t think about anything at all – not work, not home, not money.

I was having the perfect date with the boy I love and I couldn't help noticing the other couples also chilling out Downstairs. There was one couple who was dancing with each other, mirroring their bodies together, grooving to each other's movements. It so reminded me and Ryan dancing the night before, and I could not stop watching them. Then there was another couple, the girl was topless but for a red scarf she wrapped around her head and shoulders, and they say together kissing so passionately, I felt myself blush, which doesn't usually happen during any porn. They all came together as friends with yet another couple, both dredded and hippy, the girl who had the sweetest face in the world sharing her cigarette with her sleeping boyfriend.

I have never seen such beautiful people before in my life. The girls especially were beautiful because of their grace and smiles, and I couldn't help admire them. I know I'm not a lesbian, but my attraction to women has nothing to do with sexuality. I love women because I love that I am one. When I admire other girls, it's not because of their clothes or their hair. I admire girls who are honest and graceful because they are usually people I aspire to be like. They don't have to be older than me or prettier than me. They don't have to smarter than me or more charming than me. Women are under a lot of pressure to compete not just with men but with each other. And it's rare to meet women who do not try to compete with me. These women are kind, generous and confident, and that's how I try to be. I feel only when I surround myself with people, especially women, like that, it helps me forget the ones who aren't like that. Women who try to steal from you or trick you, women who want something from you or want nothing to do with you. There are lots of people - men and women - who do these things, but it hurts more when it's a woman. So when I find a kindred spirit who is willing to put aside her competitive nature and let her true self shine, it makes me so happy and proud to be a woman too.

The day slipped by so fast, and we had to pack up and go to the beach before it got too late. I was really stoned and sun-baked so I was being lazy. There were clouds overhead and suddenly I was cold and tired and didn't want to do anything when Ryan tells me to get up and help him pack and I told him that I was too cold, the sun suddenly came out and it was like god was telling me to get up off my ass and get moving and I'm like, "Yes Sir!" and Ryan and I were packed within the hour.

When we get to the beach, the waves are choppy because of all the speed boats and Ryan and I run straight into the cold water that made me squeal and goosebumps pop. The water is unreal - so cool and clear and the sand under our toes feels so soft and squishy and we splash around and float on our backs with the sun warming our skin and the water carrying our bodies away under that big blue sky that is god's greatest creation of all.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

On the FlipSide

Unbeknownst to me, the class I attended tonight is actually the last class of my 8-week session (I believe they're ripping me off one class...). I've already signed up for next Thursday's Pop'n'Lock workshop so this dance odyssey continues. I'm probably going to retake the beginner's program (same teacher - same crowd) just because I still don't have the basics down yet. I have to admit though, for an 8-week course - I learned A LOT. And I think I'm in slightly better shape too.

This week - there are no bruises. Just some strained back muscles from trying to do the coffee grinder (when you swing one of your legs around in circles with your hand on the ground to keep you balanced). We learned a little bit more fancy footwork (a little too fancy for my abilities, but you know - you try), and there was this really easy step that helps lead you into the dance, but for some reason I just couldn't get it. I know I'm not co-ordinated, but this was almost just walking.

Frost (my dancing sensei) told us to rock our body and to "feel" the music. I hate how cheesey that sounds, but that's how I got it. I just kept rockin' and listenin' until my body was doing what the music was telling me to. Then it really hit me that in order to break dance, you have to know what to listen for in the music. The music can actually teach you how to dance. I know this all sounds obvious, but seriously, knowing it intellectual and actually letting your body do it are two very different things.

The two things that have kept me from progessing has been this:

a. My obsession with control and logistics. I have a lot of trouble letting go lest I look foolish or I fall on my ass/face/elbow/knee/etc.

b. The music actually distracts me because I'm so used to listening to music. Especially when I hear a song I really like, my immediate reaction isn't to dance to it, it's to listen. Can't help it - in the winter, I live in my headphones.

And so, my plan is to, well, definately start practicing more. Now that I have that beautiful piece of cardboard, I have NO excuses (kick my ass if you find out I'm slacking please I'll thank you for it). And I have to start listening to a LOT more breakbeats. No more Black Eyed Peas, K-OS, Beastie Boys... I mean I love them, but I need more. MOREMOREMOREMOREMOREMORE! I need different kinds of beats, with different sounds, different distractions that I need to learn to ignore (or use). Now that I have so many basic steps floating around in my head, I need songs to apply them to and I have to admit that B-Boy Stance (K-OS) is not exactly the most interesting song to dance to.

As you know, I'm not going to be around tomorrow (Friday) because I'll be going to BIG FOOT! So, as a bonus and because I'm at home where I have lots of pictures, here are some photos of my life.

This is a scene from OM 2004.

This is Elisa and Jen, my homegirls from college. Elisa is an asshole (and that's why I love her), and Jen is also an asshole (same dealio).

This is Claire, my babygirl. I found her when she was less than 2 weeks old, covered with flees in a box outside my apartment. She had two siblings who couldn't make it overnight. It was very sad, but Claire pulled through. She's a tough kittenhead, and I love her with all my heart. She's a lot bigger now, and she lives with my exboyfriend. I don't get to see her, but I think about her all the time. The reason why I don't have her is because Ryan is allergic. I used to think people who would give away their pets just because some stupid boyfriend/girlfriend was allergic was a lot of bullshit, but the only time Ryan ever met Claire, he couldn't breathe after an hour, and was sick for a week. I know Claire understands. And I know she's well cared for, and that's all I could ever ask for for her. She knows I'll always love her. She's named after Clarice Starling from Silence of the Lambs.

This is Ryan and I at Halloween 2004.

That's all for now. Hope you guys have an amazing weekend and look out for my post-Big Foot... um... post!

Don't mind me - I'm just loco.

I hate those mornings when you wake up to that deep blue early morning light and you are wide awake, but the dream is continuing as thoughts in your head. Last night, after an expensive trip to Walmart (we replaced our 2 person tent with a 4 person tent which meant we had to replace our double mattress with a queen - Ryan said, "Isn't it funny that a year ago, we thought we wouldn't have to spend money on this stuff ever again?"), Ryan and I watched another episode of our favourite television show of the summer, 4400. I won't bother going into what the show's all about, but the episode we watched just haunted me in my sleep.

Basically, this guy who works for the FBI wakes up one morning and his whole life is perfect. He's getting a lot of support at work, his son is going to medical school, everything that was wrong the day before has completely disappeared - as if none if it had ever happened. Then he meets his wife - and it turns out that she somehow woke up that same morning except in HIS life as HIS wife. They have no idea what happened, or how to get out of it, so they end up spending 8 years together, during which they fall in love, renew vows they don't remember taking in the first place, and life is just too good to be true. Then the guy goes to this art museum where he finds this door that no one else can see, and his wife pleads with him not to go in because it might ruin their lives together. But of course, he goes in anyway, and his wife is inside. She tells him that she's not actually his wife, just a projected image of her in the program running in her mind. It turns out that when she was abducted, they gave her the ability to recreate his world using his memories. The point, she said, was to buy them time to fall in love with each other because he needed her love to give him strength to do what he must do in real life. And that the only way for him to return to that life is to convince her that their life together isn't real and she must mentally deconstruct everything around them. Their memories of the past 8 years will remain intact, but they have to leave this perfect world. To make a long story a little shorter, he convinces her that it's for the best and that when they wake up, they'll still know each other, and they'll still remember their love for each other. And so one person at a time, she mentally disbelieves them into an oblivion and they wake up in reality again as if no time had passed at all, and they find each other outside the building and oh it's so happy, etc.

Pretty heavy for a TV show.

Anyway, the dream I had last night had something to do with all that, although I can't remember the details. The whole idea that reality is just a dream really fucks me up. The show left me afraid of every second that passed and every blink of an eye because I just didn't know if everything might suddenly disappear! I lose my understanding of reality and it's suddenly a world where anything can happen. I guess I just have an overactive imagination or maybe I watch too much TV, but it's scary! I think I might be a little insane.

The feeling passed fairly quickly because I've been working on coming to terms with this fear. It sounds ridiculous when you put it into words. Most people are afraid of spiders and heights, but I'm afraid of reality. In a lot of ways, this problem has given me an interesting perspective on life. Because I question reality, it opens up a lot of possibilities for me. I used to look at life as this narrow little tunnel that I was always trying to break out of, I now see this huge wide horizon where anything is possible!

I'm probably saying too much - I must sound crazy.

Anyway, I'm drinking lots of coffee this afternoon and probably a Red Bull before I go to dance class. I'm so exhausted! I was awake all morning trying to go back to sleep, and fell back asleep when the alarm clock rang. Don't you hate that? What is up with that? No one has ever been able to explain to me why that happens, and it happens to everyone!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

We must move forward, not backward, upward not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.

A large 48"x36" corkboard was delivered to our office today, so I took the cardboard box, cut off the flaps. It's approximately 72"x48" unfolded and flat on the floor. Guess what I'm going to use it for.

Just guess.

I've got carpet in the apartment, so this beautiful piece of cardboard is going to allow me to practice my freestylin'. Unfortunately, tomorrow is going to be my second-to-last class, and I'm still undecided on whether I want to continue breakdancing or if I'm going try something different like jazz or hip hop.

But with this piece of cardboard, I could bust a move anytime I like! I plan on decorating it with some original graffiti art (probably just with a Sharpie). The only thing missing is a good bGirl name. I haven't really thought about it because I don't actually think of myself as a "b-girl", but fuck it - I've taken 8 back breaking classes, I think I deserve to give myself a little credit. So please, I implore you my dear blog-friends, BFFs, and innocent bystanders, lend me your brains and help me think of a good bGirl tag.

In Other News, there's only ONE more day til Big Foot. I'm so excited - not just because of the drugs, but for the beautiful drive up - 3 peaceful hours in northern Ontario where everything is green, yellow and brown, and the roads wind swiftly up and down and in the distance you see the little farms with their little livestock and little vegetables growing in long rows and you make farm animal sounds whenever you see a horse or a cow, and then you've got this ipod loaded with The Beatles and Pink Floyd and The Olivia Tremor Control, and you know that the trip really began when you left the busy bustling city behind.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

WARNING: The following post contains nudity and mature subject matter.

I'm not sure what's so sexy about Hentai. It's cartoons: the people have saucepan eyes and bulbous breasts; disproportionate arms and legs; and the dialogue (incl. dub and subtitles) is usually laughably transparent and flat. That's just the basics. Last night, I watched Hardcore Hospital, which started with a Special Nurse fucking a fat bald guy using this medicine that makes their private parts super sensitive. Fat bald guy aside, it's a pretty hot scene because the Nurse is wearing a cute pink nurse's outfit and it's fun to see her boobs pop out of the over-tight top like when you try to squeeze two helium balloons into a bag. But even after the fat bald guy cums, the medicine gives him a second erection and he starts assfucking the poor Nurse who's already done her fair share of work.

Then the plot unfolds where the doctor at the hospital is actually a sadistic assfucker who likes to fuck virgins. Big surprise. He finds a suitable candidate, a sweet, hardworking nurse who now needs to prove herself to be good enough to be a Special Nurse. It basically went downhill from there.

I sat in horror for what could have been anywhere from 15 min. to half an hour during the virgin's Special Nurse training, where she was basically bound and sodomized over and over. She's forced into all kinds of humiliating positions and situations, and where the first scene had been kinda twisted and sexy, this was just depraved. I was in complete shock - couldn't even muster a sarcastic comment to shout to Ryan in the other room. It just kept going and going, and at one point, she even asks the doctor, "So, it's over? Can I go?" And the music has stopped and the doctor even had a small smile on his face hinting that this might really all be over, only to continue with, "Not yet. You've only just begun" And he kept going!

Ryan walks in to find me with the covers pulled over my gaping mouth, eyes wide and glued to the screen. He watches for like two minutes and says, "I can't watch this, can I turn this off?" I only nod.

There is no point to this post. I was just so horrified, I told myself I was going to blog about it. I could talk about how porns like this encourages the kind of sadistic thinking behind rape and sexual harrassment. But I'm also sympathetic to the S&M communities who safely allow people who have these fetishes to exercise them. It's the age old question: Who The Hell Are You To Judge? Just because Special Nurse was screaming doesn't mean she didn't secretly love it. A willing masochist can willingly allow him/herself be sodomized by a willing sadist. Just because I don't like to get assfucked, doesn't mean there aren't girls out there who crave it. Man, just writing this post has made me so confused, I just might watch Hardcore Hospital again tonight to make sure if I'm actually offended, or if I've just been too repressed by North American culture to appreciate such intense erotica.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Actually, I Suck.

How did it happen? Why does everyone look so good now? Even ugly people look good! Datura and I took our boyfriends to see the Foo Fighters (or is it The Foo Fighters?) on Saturday, and it was a bleedin' fashion show. Ryan, my forever grunge boy, commented on how back in his day, people just wore jeans and t-shirts to rock concerts. On Saturday, we got our eyefulls of tight bum jeans and vintage belts and dangly earings. It appears that army green is the new blue. One diva even wore a fur wrap. Who wears fur to the Amphitheatre??? AND she was in the lawn seats!

Wait, who even wears fur period?

Anyway, it was a great show with the Constantines (The Constantines?) and Sloan. Ryan called the first song, In Your Honour, and Datura called the last song, Monkey Wrench. I was basically sandwiched between two major music geeks, giggling together about a guy who looked like "Shannon Hoon at 9yrs old in the clothes he'd wear at 34". Music geeks are fucked up man... Hehe... but I love them anyway.

I'm going to make a confession here - I am not a music geek. I love music - all kinds of music, some of which you'd be like, "Damn, that girl's got taste in music!", and some other stuff where you'd probably slap me in the face in shame and betrayal, but don't for a second think I know fuck all about what I listen to. Don't assume that because I like GNR that I got their cd for my 11th birthday and grew up lusting after Axl Rose (that's Datura you're thinking about).

I grew up listening to the Oldies and disco because of my mom. It wasn't until I was in grade 4 when I was only vaguely aware of the music industry. The first pop album I ever listened to on my own was Madonna's True Blue. I know the words to every song on the album (and it infuriated me when one of the Osbourne anomolies covered Papa Don't Preach). My first CD was Ace of Bace - The Bridge (not even their first album). I only own a handful of CDs because I had an amazing collection of MP3s during high school (about 200 - which at the time of dial-up, represented thousands of hours wasted when my mom and I would fight about the phone line and she'd threaten to throw out my computer). I loved OLP, I Mother Earth, Limp Bizkit (before they lost the guy with the freaky eyes), Chemical Brothers and Prodigy. When high school started and it was all about hip hop and R&B, so I listened to Missy Elliot, Lil Kim, Aaliyah, Coolio, Biggie, and RuffRyders. I know the words to a lot of BSB songs (not by choice), I own the first Spice Girls CD, and I used to watch S Club.

In grade 7 or 8, my friend Donna told my other friend Allison that I had no taste in music. I think from that point on, I realised that I couldn't stay in baby lala land forever (ah... a young girl's introduction into commercialism). I started watching Much Music like 24 hours a day. It's funny to think about because Donna is one of my dearest friends, and a true music connoisseur/artistgirl. Too bad about the serious emotional problems, which is usually the price you pay to be THAT artistic.

Then there was my ex-boyfriend The Musician. He got me interested in the trendier artists like Radiohead and Esthero. I bought him the Hail to the Theif album for Christmas - the Christmas we broke up - but I kept the poster that came with it! Muhahahahahaha! Still haven't put it up though - I plan on placing it strategically in my art studio once it's been cleaned out to remind me that though our love had been temporary - my love for Radiohead still lives on. He was a big snob though, and it was starting to rub off on me, which is bad when someone is trying to open up to new experiences and new music.

Now there is Ryan, the Music Geek & Aspiring Musician. He's a genius and he took me to my first concert (Bob Dylan), and he's constantly encouraging me to listen to new music. I don't like everything he likes, but every once in awhile, he unearths a band that I can actually call my own. Sometimes, you have to swim in the sea to catch the big fish.

Anyway, that's my confession. I've forayed into the best and the worst, and I don't regret a single bleary note of it.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Wouldn't you want to put your coffee on top of that shit?

Here's a little bonus blog entry for the weekend. Datura sent this to me and j'aime beaucoup! I wonder what other colours it comes in...

Just Like Jesus

I don't want to die without any cool scars, but the bruises I got from last night's break-dancing class are brutal! My elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, and across my back are stained blue-black. Tried to take a picture of them this morning, but couldn't get the right angle on the one on my back - which is the coolest one, I think. I can't tell if it's better or worse than two weeks ago when we first attempted the backspin and The Worm. It's like by the time my bruises heal, I show up at the dance studio asking for more. I don't think this is helping me lose weight though. It's probably pure muscle toning and cardio exercise. What ever happened to my killer teenage metabolism - oh how I miss it!

I've been wasting a lot of time at work on They have a thousands of multiple choice tests that range from entertaining to obscure. The last one I took was The Personality Defect Test, which is my favourite so far because the answer doesn't try to kiss my ass so I give the test a good rating. It's also quite humbling because it's difficult to argue with my result since I answered it all the questions pretty honestly.

Anyway, I know this is a cop-out post, but give me a break! My life is so routine and boring (not like you pornographers out there!), I'm amazed I can post everyday. I should just lie.

You are 14% Rational, 71% Extroverted, 42% Brutal, and 57% Arrogant.
As the Lord as my witness, I swear upon the good book that you are indeed the TELEVANGELIST! Characterized by extreme arrogance, self-assurance, and extroversion, you would make a very charismatic leader (or a very despotic one). On top of that, you are also more intuitive than rational, predisposing you to a more spiritual or emotional outlook on life. Thus, you are thoroughly irrational. You also tend to be rather gentle and considerate of others' feelings. Clearly, you would make the perfect televangelist. Emotional, extroverted, arrogant, and gentle, you annoy the hell out of people who have to listen to the feel-good, intuitive shit spewing from your mouth. Not only that, but people may look down on you as a self-centered asshat. So while you are gentle and genuinely care about others, it is quite clear that you still care about yourself MORE. Why is your personality flawed? Because you are too damned extroverted, emotional, and arrogant. So preach your irrational message, brotha-man! I assure you, no one will be listening!

To put it less negatively:

1. You are more INTUITIVE than rational.

2. You are more EXTROVERTED than introverted.

3. You are more GENTLE than brutal.

4. You are more ARROGANT than humble.


Your exact opposite is the Spiteful Loner.

Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Hippie, the Starving Artist, and the Robot.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


In a time that cannot be placed, in a world that has evolved beyond our imagination, there is a place called Sien.

Sien is where the sick go to heal and where the weak go to find strength. There is no night or day, and the sky is the clearest mountain blue. The people of Sien have no names and no histories, and they have skin of beautiful bright colours. They live as one, welcoming those who seek them out and hiding from those who hunt them. It is rumored that the people of Sien live eternal.

They are wise with knowledge that spans a million lifetimes. They speak no words. In their actions they communicate for words only serve to confuse. The only sound they make is when they raise their voices in song when the pale white moon appears in the blue blue sky.

Outside of Sien, people dream of Sien. Deep in their sleep after an exhausting day, when their mind is free to roam and escape the tedium of routine and desire, their deepest mind's eye sees the colourful people of Sien who need no identities, who share, who love and who are truly free. Only in their deepest sleep do the outside people hear the steady, unending beat of the Sien drum, their hearts palpitating to Sien's heart. In these dreams, they are all one people and the secrets to their lives are revealed behind closed eyelids in colours and sounds and feelings that rush and flow like a fast river. And when the outside people wake, they are a little healed. Life is a little brighter, at least for a moment.

The people of Sien need not sleep, for they do not need dreams. They are our dreams.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Open your eyes.

Yesterday, I went to celebrate my friend Ryan's birthday. Ryan and I have history - not that many people I know have history with me. I'm still young, that's why. I've known him since I was 17 years old. I used to visit him in his bachelor apartment on Brunswick while he was studying mechanical engineering at UofT.

Last night was his 27th birthday. He showed me pictures of girls he's seeing and we laughed together at the intelligible voicemail message his Korean ex-girlfriend left him wishing him a happy birthday. Then we got stoned, put on some psytrance and watched screensavers for an hour.

Ryan is a pivotol person in my life. He turned me on to psychedelic music and thinking. If you've read my story Psychedelia, it mentions how Piper at the Gates of Dawn by Pink Floyd changed my whole life. Ryan was behind all of that, and all this time, I thought he was an important part of my life because of it. I've always stayed in touch even though we never see each other, and I willingly listen to him talk about girls because that's all he ever talks about.

Last night was the first time we've hung out since I was in high school. And it was awkward. I realised that I don't know Ryan anymore. I know all about his girlfriends, but I know nothing about him. And in the marijuana haze, I looked at him and couldn't remember him from The Before Time either. Besides the lime green walls of his old college apartment, I don't recall much about the time we spent together or what we ever talked about. Whatever friendship I imagined that we had still shared was all in my head. Sure we have history, but it means shit all between a university student just messing around til he was out of school and a high school student trying to find Something Else in life worth living for.

He knew me when I was just a wayward high school student. When I used lie to my mom to go downtown. When I used to eagerly take the 2 hour transit ride to his place and back at night when my mom would worry. When I would listen to him and think he was the coolest shit in the world. Last night, I made fun of him the entire night and I got home on time. I laughed at his apathy, his attitude towards girls, his pathetic attention span. Funny how the tables have turned. In many ways, he hasn't changed a bit. In even more ways, I have changed completely.

Ryan will always be someone that I know. Every once in awhile, we will meet at parties and we might even hang out again (though pizza & a screen saver is hardly something I'd clear my agenda for). Tonight, he has a date with a hot girl #50 and I wish him luck. He said he wanted #50 to be special, and I hope she is that for him. When it comes to sex, it's only as special as you want it to be (actually, that's with most things in life isn't it?). I hope they enjoy the birthday corn I brought him.

This was from Om2004 - an annual psychedelic festival (last year was its last official year). It was amazing whenever I walked by it that night I felt ever more sure that we were in Wonderland. Right now, I'm listening to a band called The Olivia Tremor Control. Ryan leant this CD to me when we first met, and I loved it but never got a copy. Now I remember what I loved about it - it's pure psychedelic loveliness. Everyone has one kind of music that speaks to their soul. Psychedelic rock plays me like a violin every time.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Wheels within Wheels

I'm reading a book called Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman. To quote the back, it's "a fictional collage of stories dreamed by Albert Einstein in 1905, when he worked in a patent office in Switzerland... In its poetic vignettes, it explores the connections between science and art, the process of creativity, and ultimately the fragility of human existance."

When I first picked it up, I thought it sounded a little too stuffy intellectual. How could anyone, I don't care how smart you think you are, presume to explore Einstein's subconscious? Despite my doubts, I was drawn to it - I just wanted a peek at what this guy had to say... and to my surprise and delight, it is one of the most beautiful pieces of literature I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

The essence of time has always been of great interest to me. I tried reading A Brief History of Time, but got lost in quantum physics. I haven't given up - every once in awhile, I pick it up again and try to wade my way through it. But understanding time isn't what facinates me. I'm far more interested in the effects of time - how when we're happy time flies and how when we're anxious time crawls; or how time lapses in dreams and can feel like forever in just a few minutes. Is time reality or is reality time? This book explores worlds where time acts differently in each dream, and these dreams reflect reality.

What I love the most about this book is its lack of pretensions. The prose is simple and direct. Each chapter - each dream - is very short, but the message of each is clear and fills you with a sort of light. I can't describe it properly though, so I'm going to present here an exerpt that may inspire you the way it has inspired me.

3 May 1905

Consider a world in which cause and effect are erratic. Sometimes the first precedes the second, sometimes the second the first. Or perhaps cause lies forever in the past while effect in the future, but future and past are entwined.

On the terrace of the Bundesterasse is a striking view: the river Aare below and the Bernese Alps above. A man stands there just now, absently emptying his pockets and weeping. Without reason, his friends have abandoned him. No one calls any more, no one meets him for supper or beer at the tavern, no one invites him to their home. For twenty years he has been the ideal friend to his friends, generous, interested, soft-spoken, affectionate. What could have happened? A week from this moment on the terrace, the same man begins acting the goat, insulting everyone, wearing smelly clothes, stingy with money, allowing no one to come to his apartment on Laupenstrasse. Which was cause and which effect, which future and which past?

In Zurich, strict laws have recently been approved by the Council. Pistols may not be sold to the public. Banks and trading houses must be audited. All visitors, whether entering Zurich by boat on the river Limmat or by rail on the Selnau line, must be searched for contraband. The civil military is doubled. One month after the crackdown, Zurich is ripped by the worst crimes in its history. In daylight, people are murdered in the Weinplatz, paintings are stolen from the Kunsthaus, liquor is drunk in the pews of the Munsterhof. Are these criminal acts not misplaced in time? Or perhaps the new laws were action rather than reaction?

A young woman sits near a fountain in the Botanischer Garten. She comes here every Sunday to smell the white double violets, the musk rose, the matter pink gillyflowers. Suddenly, her heart soars, she blushes, she paces anxiously, she becomes happy for no reason. Days later, she meets a young man and is smitten with love. Are the two events not connected? But by what bizarre connection, by what twist in time, by what reversed logic?

In this acausal world, scientists are helpless. Their predictions become postdictions. Their equations become justifications, their logic, their illogic. Scientists turn reckless and mutter like gamblers who cannot stop betting. Scientists are buffoons, not because they are rational but because the cosmos is irrational. Or perhaps it is not because the cosmos is irrational but because they are rational. Who can say which, in an acausal world?

In this world, artists are joyous. Unpredictability is the life of their paintings, their music, their novels. They delight in events not forecasted, happenings without explanation, retrospective.

Most people have learned how to live in the moment. The argument goes that if the past has uncertain effect on the present, there is no need to dwell on the past. And if the present has little effect on the future, present actions need not be weight for their consequence. Rather, each act is an island in time, to be judged on its own. Families comfort a dying uncle not because of a likely inheritance, but because he is loved at that moment. Employees are hired not because of their résumés, but because of their good sense in interviews. Clerks trampled by their bosses fight back at each insult, with no fear for their future. It is a world of impulse. It is a world of sincerity. It is a world in which every word spoken speaks just to that moment, every glance given has only one meaning, each touch has no past or no future, each kiss is a kiss of immediacy.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Fuck Cirque du Soleil

On Friday, a girlfriend of mine, Linda, invited me to her friend Sue's bachelorette party at Whiskey-a-Go-Go. For those of you who have never been there, it's one of Toronto's best (female) strip clubs. Located in the far north-west corner of the city, it's a small club that gets packed every Friday and Saturday night. What makes it one of the best clubs is that the crowd it draws usually of about 30% women.

These women, they're not bull-dyke lesbos. Some of them aren't even bi. Whiskey's is just such a fun, female-friendly place where the bouncers are courteous, and the strippers are cute and sweet. Kinda like Cheers except with nakedness. Linda goes there regularily. The strippers all recognize her and she knows all their names. For $20, you can get a naked lapdance, and for $5, you can go up on stage and get slapped by a pair of soft stripper boobs, or have the bill lifted off your face by a shaved pussy. A good deal if you ask me!

The first time I was there was last March for my 21st birthday. Linda blew like $200 on me, buying me drinks and sending me on stage. The rule at Whiskey's is: Any girl who goes on stage has to show her titties! But having once been a Miss Behav'N model, showing my tits to a bar full of strange men is nothing compared to dancing half naked on Queen St. At least at Whiskey's, nobody's going to give me the finger or worse try to give me a bible. At least at Whiskey's, people actually want to see my tits instead of looking away in disgust.

During my first visit, I got my first naked lap dance by TWO women! Weeee! They were beautiful, so soft and hairless, and at one point, when they were rubbing their breasts on my face, I said to them, "Wow, this must be what it's like inside a lava lamp."

During the second visit, I didn't get a lapdance, but I did get to watch the best strip show. One of their featured acts, a lovely red-headed girl from Edmonton, came out dressed like Cat Woman, in a black leather mask, tight ripped pleather top and pants. She struts out like a panther and climbs up the strip pole - one hand over the other - shimmying herself to the very top. Then she grabs on to one of the rafters and flips herself upside down. She hangs from the rafters and smiles a feline smile at her audience. The crowd goes postal.

The rest of the night was entertaining. My second favourite act would have to be the school girl duo - both wearing matching school girl outfits complete with white fishnet stockings and glasses. At Whiskeys, no two acts are the same. And you can easily distinguish the amazing strippers from the terrible ones. Usually, their smile gives it away. Some wear those frozen figure-skater smiles that are so bright and toothy you try not to think what their frown might look like lest you lose your boner. And then there are those who don't necessarily smile the entire time, but when they do, and particularily when they smile directly at you, the whole room lights up. Good strippers don't necessarily have to be an acrobat, but they have to be creative. Those who can't hang off rafters, play the crowd. Those who are great pole dancers strut their stuff. And those who are only there trying to make a quick buck get no love from the crowd and it's so sad.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Ever do the Brooklyn Battle Rocks? It's kinda like this street-gang bust-a-move sort of Kung Fu dancin'. You and your opponent are going one-on-one in a break-dance battle and you fight with your wicked dance moves. With all this "gang war" talk going on regarding our upper west side, wouldn't it be nice if they put their guns away and just battled each other with break dancing? Less 4-year-old kids will get shot, and less police will be wandering the streets of Toronto. Everybody wins.

So guess what I learned last class? That's right - the Brooklyn Battle Rocks. We learned the basics of it, which is basically learning to rock on your feet, bending forward and backward like a choreographed martial arts routine. We learned how to wind a punch and make a block and rock to the floor. It's actually a very cool move and I like that now we're actually learning dance moves instead of those impossible freezes and worms and elephants, etc.

I don't think I'm a good dancer. I've suspected this for a long time, but because I'm pretty attractive I think I can get away with shitty dancing more than say an ugly chick. But put me in a class full of fit dancing people, it's pretty obvious who the retarded kid is in this class. I just can't keep up! It takes me a long time for me to teach my body how to move a certain way. It's like I'm physically slow or something. I even drank a Red Bull before class (very dangerous!), and it didn't do shit for my dancing! It did make me feel good though, nice and alert and energized. Oh how I love legal stimulants.

Today, it's my thighs and calves that hurt since we were working mostly on footwork last class. It aches to get up, sit down, to walk, climb stairs. This has to do with the amount of lactic acid in my muscles. I feel like the Tin Man, so where the fuck is Dorathy with my oil can? If I didn't get paid by the hour, I probably wouldn't have come in today. I probably would never come in on Fridays after class. I would just lie in bed all day, twisting this way and that, wondering what everyone else was doing, eating food off a plate on my chest and keeping the remote next to me so I wouldn't have to reach for it. Instead, I'm here because I'm a slave to the mighty dollar and I'm just trying not to move too much, hopefully conserve enough energy to go to the strip club tonight. I've got a pocket full of fives and a short skirt and big black boots! Bring it!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

My Psychedelic Death

I went last year when it was called Morning Star, and I lost my mind on mushrooms while trapped in my tent (I wasn't physically trapped, just mentally). So why would I want to go back and further mutilate my brain with foreign chemicals? Because it's fun! I quite enjoy losing my mind, except I don't like being trapped in a tent. One lesson I learned last year was that when your mind has no stimuli (like when inside a tent), it will reflect upon itself for entertainment. My mind thought it'd be entertaining to kill me. Just to see what it would be like, I guess. Overall, it was not a terrible experience, but it changed me in numerous unmentionable ways.

If you're interested in reading about my psychedelic death, visit

This year, it's called Big Foot.

These parties are a lot of fun, if you're interested in going to an all-weekend rave in the middle of nowhere. The site is 3 hours north of Toronto, on high plateau where you can look down into the forest and lake below. There's supposed to be a hidden waterfall, which we'll try to find this time around. There's music playing almost all weekend long, but after dark is when they really pump up the volume. Not everyone is into the pschedelic part of these types of parties - some people really love the camping and art aspect to it, so they even bring their kids. The BLA (Black Light Activists) set up their signature black light designs around the dance floor and everything there suddenly becomes one big trip.

High Times

Cheryl, Ryan and me at The Drake.

Cheryl works for Ryan's company. She always has very nice clothes and she always wears high heels, probably because she's short (not that there's anything wrong with that - short people always complain about being short, but in reality, short people generally have better posture and are more outgoing than awkward, lanky tall people). She's a professional one-handed photographer. All her pictures look like this.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Trendy Fucks at The Drake

The Drake Hotel - the one thing that makes Parkdale a trendy neighbourhood (if you don't count the 24-hr Dominion). Most of my friends have never been there. Wouldn't be caught dead in there. Only trendy fucks would want to pay $20 for a burger the size of a hockey puck; or $15 for 8 pieces of sushi (without even a salad or soup!); or $10 for a dish of snap peas (forget peanuts, trendy fucks like their fresh veggies!); all of which takes an hour to be served. But I do know people who go there, salesguys mostly, because it's a total shmooze fest complete with goopy hair products and pointy shoes.

Last Friday, I had the opportunity to check it out because Ryan's boss was throwing a little farewell party for his brother. Now, I'm no trendy fuck, but how do you say no to The Drake? The closest I've ever been to being inside The Drake was being in The Underground to see Lindy and Cuff the Duke. That's basically being in the basement of The Drake. How sad is that? I've also had a chai latte at the café attached to The Drake, but that was nothing to blog about.


Everyone is outrageously goodlooking, even the ugly people have the right trendy clothes on to fit in. It's almost beautiful - but that sad kind of desperate beauty that you know won't last. At the bar you've got the gorgeous girls with their carefully controlled tans and breast revealing tops making eyes at horny guys for a free drink or two. Along the left are these huge lounge cushions and you and your trendy friends can sit on the floor there and eat sushi and drink cocktails and talk about art and culture while funky 90's dance tunes are blasted into the night sky. On the right, you can look down through glass into this white room where three guys and one girl are all dressed in white tank tops and black pants taking pictures of each other in Yoga positions with a projection screen on the wall saying trendy things like "Kurt Cobain" or "peace" or "thank you :)" I couldn't tell if they were performers or not. I couldn't even tell what they were actually trying to accomplish. I was the only person who ever looked down there because at The Drake, everyone is too cool to be a spectator. But I stood there and stared at them for a good few minutes, long enough to make myself feel uncomfortable, and hopefully in turn make them uncomfortable too.

I must admit it was a really nice patio, and there was a huge line-up to get up there. It felt good to be leaving the party at midnight when all these trendy fucks were still lining up to go where I've already been. Oh yeah! Ryan and I tried to go to the Queen Star next door for some good old fashion oily Chinese food since all we got to eat were 8 pieces of sushi that night.

It felt kind of funny though, being at The Drake instead of just walking by The Drake on my way to get take-out or rent movies. It felt kind of strange smiling at the bouncers on the way out instead of ignoring them as I pass by. It felt kind of awkward, walking down Queen St. knowing how I must have looked to the homeless people - I looked like someone who had just left The Drake. How do people deal with feeling like that all the time? I guess that's why most trendy fucks never live IN Parkdale, they just come here to get wasted and leave the sad souls on the street without a second thought.